Health analytics provide the foundation for understanding your population’s health trends and patterns. However, to identify your greatest cost-saving opportunities, you need tools to dig deeper into your data.
That’s why we built the Springbuk Claims page to help you analyze and drill into specific medical and pharmacy claims contributing to your overall spend.
This filtering capability allows you to see and compare the breakdown of the medical spend vs. Rx spend over the current rolling 12 months.
Use the interactive 12-month Trend Graph to see monthly spend, along with an overlaid budget trend line to easily identify if claims spend is over or under budget.
The Recent vs. Previous Comparison Module displays the largest spend drivers within your population based on the top 100 highest-cost drugs and diagnoses.
Visualize the impact of high-cost claimants, specific deductible amounts, and dates on your organization's monthly healthcare spend.
Analyze claimants by total percent of spend, demographic analysis, top costing diagnoses, and spending breakdown.
Assess details of spending distribution for medical and pharmacy costs, as well as reimbursement specifics.
When analyzing an employer's aggregate data within the Springbuk platform, a benefit advising team identified one of the greatest opportunities in the population came from connecting opioid usage with mental health. Of the active population, Springbuk Insights uncovered: