Saving Lives and Dollars: The Case for Kidney Transplants Over Dialysis with Dr. Michael Rees

Discover why kidney transplants outperform dialysis in patient outcomes and cost savings. Dr. Michael Rees of Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions explains how employers can save millions while improving lives. Learn about innovative solutions transforming renal care management.

Saving Lives and Dollars: The Case for Kidney Transplants Over Dialysis with Dr. Michael Rees

In a recent episode of "Healthcare on the Rocks: Employee Benefits with a Twist," guest Dr. Michael Rees, Founder and CEO of Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions, shared his insights on the critical issue of kidney disease treatment and its impact on patient outcomes and healthcare costs. The discussion delved into the advantages of kidney transplantation over dialysis and explored innovative approaches to improving access to this life-saving treatment.

Below, you'll find highlights and takeaways from their conversation. Ready to listen to the full episode? Click here.

The Kidney Transplant Advantage: A Lifesaving Alternative to Dialysis

Dr. Michael Rees shed light on the benefits of kidney transplantation over dialysis:

  • Kidney transplantation is the gold-standard treatment for kidney failure
  • Dialysis provides only about 20% of normal kidney function, while transplantation restores full function
  • Transplantation offers better quality of life and longer survival rates compared to dialysis
"Kidney transplantation gives you your life back," Dr. Rees emphasized. "We have great success results here in the United States with kidney transplants. But the truth is, for more than 80 percent of Americans, the status quo for kidney disease is death on dialysis, not receiving a kidney transplant."

The advantages of kidney transplantation over dialysis include:

  • Improved survival rates: Dialysis has an 11% annual mortality rate, while transplantation has a 95% success rate at one year
  • Better quality of life: Transplant patients avoid the "rollercoaster" effect of dialysis treatments
  • Cost-effectiveness: Transplantation can save payers $750,000 to $1 million over three years compared to dialysis

Revolutionizing Access to Kidney Transplants

Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions is taking an innovative approach to increasing access to transplantation. Their solutions include:

  • Educating healthcare payers about the benefits and cost-effectiveness of transplantation
  • Advocating for comprehensive support for living donors, including travel expenses and lost wages
  • Helping patients navigate the complex process of getting evaluated for a transplant
As Dr. Rees explained, "We are helping employers understand how to give their patients better access to this care. Because as I said earlier, more than 80 percent of patients will die on dialysis and never get a kidney transplant. And I believe that we can change that."

The Impact on Payers & Patients

Payers partnering with Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions can see impressive results:

  • Significant cost savings: $750,000 to $1 million over three years per patient
  • Improved patient outcomes and quality of life
  • Potential for reduced long-term healthcare costs associated with dialysis complications

By addressing the often-overlooked benefits of kidney transplantation, payers can significantly impact their members' well-being and reduce healthcare costs. As the prevalence of kidney disease continues to rise, solutions like Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions are poised to play a crucial role in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare expenses.

The Future of Kidney Disease Treatment

Dr. Rees envisions a future where more patients have access to kidney transplants, leading to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

He emphasizes the need for:

  • Increased education for payers about the benefits of transplantation
  • More comprehensive support for living donors
  • A shift in risk tolerance to allow for the use of more donated kidneys
To learn more about Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions and their innovative approach to increasing access to kidney transplants, visit

Listen to the full episode